Wow, it certainly has been a long time since I posted anything on here. But I have still been reading everyone's blog and keeping up in blog land.
I finally figured out what to do with my china cabinet that certainly was not prim at all. The above picture is what is used to look like..ugly but served it's purpose I guess. I took the glass doors off, added bead board to the back and the sides, sanded it all down and painted. The back got painted a tan color and the rest black. Lightly distressed it and I love the way it turned out. It is decorated for Christmas right now. I need to add to my Folk-art collection of dishes...do not have many, so it looks a little bare right now.
One of my many projects on the list is to add beadboard to my kitchen walls to cover up that wallpaper border...to country for my taste now. Hope everyone has a Happy Holiday Season!