Welcome to my blog. This is my first blog and my very first post. I have enjoyed reading a lot of other people's blogs and decided to try my hand at my own. So we shall see how this goes.
I will tell you all a little about my self in this post. I am married to a great guy for 17 years and we are in the process..(waiting) to adopt a baby boy. We have been waiting for a year now and are currently #7 on the list. We have finally started all the paperwork involved and there's lots of that.
We have 2 dogs, American Eskimos, Shadow & Kasper and we just recently lost our cat that we found as a stray 8 years ago. He had an allergic reaction to his yearly shots.
I love to read, go to yard sales, flea markets and auctions. I just recently started making my own primitive ornies and have now moved on to samplers.
We are in the process our remodeling our house, so that takes up most of our spare time lately and I sure can't wait for it to be done.
Well, that's just a little but about me. I look forward to doing this blog and hope you enjoy it. I hope I don't bore you to death with it.
Have a great day everyone.