Wednesday, January 16, 2008

DMC Floss

This post is for Rosemary, she wanted to know what kind of thread I use for my samplers, so I thought I would show her a picture. It is DMC floss, it comes in 6 strands that you can pull apart if you want to. I usually use 3 strands for my samplers. You can buy it at any major craft store.


Rosemary said...

Thanks for the post friend!!!!

I can't wait to get started on my sampler!!!!

Thanks again for the help!

Debbi said...

Your welcome, glad I could help.

Barb said...

Hey, Debbi, I can usually find big bags of crochet/knitting thread at thrift stores. I use that, too, when I don't have any embroidery thread on hand.

Debbi said...

Thanks, Barb, will keep an eye out for those kinds of thread.

Sunny Chick said...

I use that thread too. I too seperate three or two at a time. I've seen the wool thread, I think it's too expensive, usually I can find it for .24 cents or less, right up my cheapo alley :0)